Sunday, September 28, 2008

If you do not have a Psycho SIL, chances are you are the Psycho SIL!

Let's face it. We all marry into a family with one person who just sucks...who never sends your kids as nice of gifts as you send hers, who makes you want to skip from Halloween to New Year's Eve just to avoid seeing her, who can't seem to get her children bathed for a family photo, who is selfish, stingy and down-right mean. I definitely have one of those in my family, and this is my blog to vent about her and the havoc she wreaks on our, otherwise stable, family.

It all began at my rehearsal dinner. I thought my SIL was great...overly helpful, very interested in meeting my family, always wanted to make sure she knew what was going on so she could "help", and she shared my irritation with our MIL. The last of which became our bond over the first year of my marriage.

We would sneak little moments in the other room during family events to snicker, evaluate and gossip over everything, especially our neurotic MIL. However, several years went by of listening to her berate my MIL (who really is a great person) at every chance she got, and one day, it just PSIL was a grudge-holding, bad-mouthing, back-stabbing, manipulating narcissist, and I was enabling her. What was worse, after this realization, she caught on that I was trying to break ties with the devil and I became her next victim.

Apparently she has moved through the family, taking about 1-2 years to torture the kin of her choice. From dragging her husband into therapy just to deal with "his family" during their wedding planning, to claiming that our MIL was conspiring to keep the brothers from seeing each other, to not letting my FIL see the grandchildren for fear that he might not hear them when they were crying.

We had been living away from family (thank God) for most of our marriage until 2006 when we moved within 90 minutes of my PSIL and the rest of my husband's family. This blog is a memoir of the events over the past 2 and a half years.

Please feel free to read, comment on, and share stories from this blog, and please, please share your own stories.

If you don't think you have a PSIL, then, just maybe, you are the Psycho....think about it...